Rodger's Ridge Shaded Fuel Break
The Rodger’s Ridge Shaded Fuel Break Project involved the establishment of a 16-acre shaded fuel break along a roughly 0.8-mile stretch of ridgeline affected by the 2017 Tubbs Fire. The primary objectives were to mitigate the accumulation of dead woody fuels, interrupt the horizontal and vertical continuity of fuels and decrease overall tree and shrub density.
Ackerson Meadow Restoration
Ackerson Meadow is the largest mid-elevation meadow in Yosemite National Park. The meadow is a vital wildlife corridor and habitat for endangered species such as the great grey owl and little willow flycatcher. Ackerson Meadow is facing significant challenges as a result of a century of landscape manipulation…
Marin Municipal Water District Fuel Reduction & Restoration 2020-2022
This project’s purpose is reducing fuel loads within Sudden Oak Death impacted redwood and Douglas-fir dominated forest stands, reducing Douglas fir tree encroachment into Oak woodlands and grasslands, removing invasive plants, installing native plants at restoration sites…
Green Oaks Habitat Restoration
The project restores the natural hydrology of the former Steele Ranch property, raising the seasonal groundwater table to support wet meadow and riparian habitat. Work will support the continued maintenance of current habitat and create additional seasonal and perennial open water with enhanced adjacent upland habitat for the benefit of California Red Legged Frogs and San Francisco Garter Snakes.
Saddle Mountain Shaded Fuel Break and Forest Thinning
At the instruction of Sonoma Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (Sonoma Ag & OSD), Hanford performed tasks aimed at 1. Understory thinning and 2. A shaded fuel break at Saddle Mountain Open Space Preserve in Santa Rosa, California.
Bioregional Habitat Restoration – Grasslands & Riparian Weed Management
The purpose of the Bioregional Habitat Restoration (“BHR”) program is to fulfill mitigation obligations by making ecosystem-level improvements to habitat for rare and endangered species. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) has developed compensation sites to preserve, enhance, restore, or establish approximately 2,050 acres of native habitat ranging from ponds to wetlands to oak savannah.
Cayetano Creek Mitigation Bank Ph. 1 and 2
The purpose of the mitigation bank is to create habitat for the California Tiger Salamander (CTS) and California Red Legged Frog (CRLF). In the spring of 2022, thousands of CTS juveniles were found in the ponds, CRLF was detected in Cayetano Creek.
Serrano Weed Abatement–Woody Fuel Reduction, Road, Trail & Outfall Repairs 2019-2022
The Serrano Development is a high-end community nestled in the western foothills of El Dorado County within an expansive oak woodland savannah. The community is in a high-risk fire area, with several 100 acres of natural open space adjacent to homes, parks and recreation areas.
Grass Plug Planting Pepperwood 2021
A crew will plant 20,000 grass plugs using dibbles or other hand tools in the winter of 2021/2022. Grasses will be grown in-house by Pepperwood Preserve. Grasses will be planted through about 70 acres of oak woodland at Pepperwood Preserve.
Shoreline Highway Revegetation Project
The Shoreline Highway Revegetation Project is a native plant restoration project occurring along an erosion/land-slide feature adjacent to US Highway 1 near Muir Beach, California. Hanford has been contracted to perform this work by the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.
Napa River Reach 5,6,7,9
River restoration including floodplain grading, soil bioengineering structures, log and rock structures and revegetation.
El Dorado Hills Trails (Serrano)
Woodland fuel reduction and trail construction at a natural land interface with residential areas.
Lake County Oak Mitigation
Design and construction of an oak mitigation project for road construction by Lake County.
Missouri Flat Revegetation
Soil preparation, revegetation and 4 years of maintenance.
Caltrans Lemoore Revegetation
Grading, soil preparation, revegetation and maintenance of roadside mitigation.
Loyalton Riparian Fencing
Construction of riparian cattle fencing to protect a stream channel in an alpine meadow.
Beale AFB Invasive Species Control
Invasive species management on AFB.