Quartermaster Reach
Stream daylighting project including parking lot removal, channel excavation and bridge installation.

Cordova Creek Restoration
Demolition of concrete lined channel and construction of a more natural channel for Cordova Creek. Included excavation and revegetation of riparian corridor.

Hawk Hill Visitors Access - Phase 2
The Hawk Hill Visitor Access Phase 2 project will improve segments of the Tunnel Loop Trail including the Battery Construction’s three tunnels, two enhanced overlooks at the casemates, and a trail connecting the casemates. Visitors will enjoy sweeping views of the Point Bonita Lighthouse…

El Dorado Hills Trails (Serrano)
Woodland fuel reduction and trail construction at a natural land interface with residential areas.

Lake County Oak Mitigation
Design and construction of an oak mitigation project for road construction by Lake County.

Missouri Flat Revegetation
Soil preparation, revegetation and 4 years of maintenance.

Caltrans Lemoore Revegetation
Grading, soil preparation, revegetation and maintenance of roadside mitigation.

Triangle Rock Vernal Pools, Wetlands and Laguna Creek Restoration
Construction of vernal pool mitigation and seasonal wetland restoration adjacent to Laguna Creek.

Salt River
Construction of the Lower and Middle Phase 2A of the Salt River restoration. Work primarily consisted of excavation of the historic Salt River channel to allow fish passage to headwater spawning areas.

Mitchell Creek Fish Passage
Stream restoration in Mount Diablo State Park including a series of rock structures to allow fish passage in Mitchell Creek.

Mendocino Woodlands
Stream restoration, bridge installation and relocation of camp sewer systems to protect water quality.

MacKerricher Beach Dune Restoration
Dune restoration primarily consisting of removal of an old logging road, road crossings and invasive species removal.

Loyalton Riparian Fencing
Construction of riparian cattle fencing to protect a stream channel in an alpine meadow.

Klamath River Native Species Nursery Construction
Construction of nursery plots and an irrigation system for the purpose of experimenting with revegetation techniques in sediment in preparation for the removal of dams on the Klamath River.

Riverbend Park Oroville
Park and beach construction on the bank of the Feather River.

River Park Mitigation (EIP)
Restoration of alkali playas, and the historic river channel to meandering, braided low flow channels to re-activate the natural floodplain.

Dry Creek (Truckee River Watershed Council)
Alpine meadow restoration involving excavation of a relic railroad grade and dam feature, and reuse of the soil to fill incised channels, with the purpose of elevating the water table in the meadow.

Caltrans Devil’s Slide Mitigation
Wetland mitigation including seasonal marsh construction, revegetation and maintenance to offset impacts of Caltrans’ construction of the Devil’s Slide Tunnel.

Ceres River Bluff Park
Park construction with native planting and floodplain features adjacent to the Tuolumne River

Butano Creek Marsh Restoration
Tidal channel dredging and excavation to restore tidal marsh health and flood capacity. Hanford purchased and operated an amphibious excavator with a suction dredge and cutter head attachment to slurry the channel sediment to an adjacent relic channel.