Beale AFB Invasive Species Control
Invasive species management on AFB.

Ballona Creek Stormwater retention/infiltration structures
Experimental stormwater management and infiltration facilities on the banks of Ballona Creek.

Auburn Recreation Area Trailhead
Construction of trailhead, accessible trail and bathroom facilities.

Dragonfly Creek Restoration
Natural channel restoration and revegetation.

Asbury Creek Water Diversion
Domestic water supply diversion replacement and rock weirs for fish passage.

Geyserville Bridge Stabilization
Willow planting as part of an emergency bridge stabilization.

San Pablo Creek Cribwall
Log cribwall installation for streambank stabilization.

Canyon View Preserve
Stream channel restoration including rock weirs.

Sonoma Creek Stabilization
Natural streambank stabilization.

Ignacio Creek Stabilization
Geocellular confinement system installation on stream bank.

Inman Creek Structures
Log structure installation for fish habitat.

Lion Creek Restoration
Streambank restoration and channel stabilization.

Codornices Creek
Rock step pool construction for fish passage.

Kottinger Creek
Realignment of natural stream channel and floodplain expansion.

Angora Creek SEZ
Meadow restoration including construction of new stream channel and filling of old eroded channel, and vehicle bridge installation.

Arroyo de la Laguna
Streambank revetment with bendway rock weirs and log structures.

Santa Rosa Creek
Streambank stabilization at edge of roadway.

Baxter Creek
Realignment of natural stream channel and floodplain expansion.

Napa River
Revegetation on the lower Napa River.

Brush Creek Restoration
Salmonid Habitat Restoration including rock and log structures.