Palomares Creek
Log cribwall construction and streambank restoration.

Cerrito Creek
Channel revetment removal and natural channel realignment.

Redwood Creek
Stream restoration including log weirs and log bank revetments.

Strawberry Creek
Slide repair in UC Berkeley botanical garden.

Piute Creek Restoration
Natural channel realignment with log weirs and floodplain expansion.

Arroyo Viejo Park
Removal of concrete lined channel and restoration of natural channel banks and bed, and pedestrian bridge installation.

Sausal Creek Restoration
Dam removal, debris rack removal, channel realignment and rock structures for fish passage.

Trout Creek SEZ
Meadow restoration with channel reconstruction and stacked sod revetments.

San Mateo Streambank
San Geronimo Creek Streambank Stabilization including a log cribwall and concrete ‘ajax’ blocks.

Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project
The Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project (SRERP) was a multifaceted restoration project designed to restore ecological, geomorphic, and hydrologic function within the Salt River watershed. The Salt River watershed is an approximately 47-square mile watershed located within lower reaches of the Eel River basin.

Redwood Creek at Muir Beach
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, Muir Beach, 2009 – 2011. In July 2009 Hanford began a three-year project with the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy (GGNPC), partnered with the National Park Service, to restore Lower Redwood Creek and Big Lagoon in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA).
Sonoma Creek Tidal Marsh Channel
Construction of 2 phases of tidal channel construction to improve tidal marsh habitat. First phase used temporary access roads and 9 tracked trucks, second phase used amphibious excavator.

Willits Bypass Mitigation
The Willits Bypass Mitigation project included wetland construction, wetland planting, riparian planting and erosion control. Constant biological monitoring was needed due to the sensitivity of project (wildlife conservation, water quality, non-use of herbicides, and ground disturbance issues).

Point Reyes National Seashore
Hanford was awarded the Critical Dune Habitat Restoration project at Point Reyes National Seashore through the RFP process in the winter of 2010/2011. The project was designed to restore approximately 76 acres of native dune habitat, primarily through removal of the invasive European beachgrass and iceplant.